Friday, August 3, 2007

Put them out of business for they won't put themselves

Some regular people, seemingly normal human beings, are in the business of providing thermisol to drug manufacturers and they want to keep their money coming in. Other regular, normal acting human beings are in the business of providing flouride to water supplies, toothpaste manufacturers and so on, and they want to keep their money coming in. They have to be hearing the buzz about thermisol triggering autism and ADHD. They have to know that flouride is toxic sludge that does nothing to improve your teeth.

We're becoming embittered about business, and that's not a good thing. Let's just resolve to change what we do and put as many inhumane humans out of business as we can.

Tell your doctor that you will not allow your child to be injected with a shot that is "stabalized" by thermisol. Refuse to harm your child. Absolutely refuse. Take your "NO" message beyond your doctor as did the woman whose letter is posted below.

Tell your city water supplier that you don't want to drink toxic waste and then invest in a water filter that removes flouride. Don't buy bottled water like I did, thinking it was a solution. Locate toohpaste that doesn't have flouride, make some demands of your grocery store owner, and put these inhumane humans out of business.

As often as I can, I'll post information about companies that are environmentally friendly, businesses that are family-owned, minority-owned, socially conscious, doing things that help us, operated by people who consider the value to humanity of every dollar they earn. I'll be happy to help them earn their dollar.

Here are some articles about thermisol and flouride.


Flouride: Friend or Foe?
by Warren A. Mitchell, D.D.S.

If fluoride is a poison, why is it being put in ourwater and dental products? Have you ever read the warning label printed on the back of your tube of toothpaste? This is typically what you will find:

WARNING: Keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately. Beginning in April, 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required this warning label on all dental care products containing fluoride.

You may be wondering why the FDA put a warning label for fluoride in toothpaste in 1997 when fluoride had been used in toothpaste for many years, as well as having been used in water fluoridation since 1945. What is fluoride, and why -- 52 years later -- is it now considered a poison?

To begin, the dictionary defines fluorine as a pale yellow, highly corrosive, poisonous, gaseous halogen element. Fluoride is a compound of flourine. Fluoride is the most electronegative and most reactive of all the elements.

The definition of sodium fluoride (found in toothpaste, dental care products and fluoridated water) is a colorless crystalline salt used in fluoridation of water, in treatment of tooth decay, and as an insecticide and disinfectant.

If fluoride is a poison, why is it being put in our water and dental products?

To understand, let's first take a look at the history of what we know about fluoride. Fluorine is the thirteenth most abundant element found in the earth's crust. Up until the Industrial Revolution, most of the fluoride in the environment was safely locked up with other elements in rocks, coal and clay. Only small amounts of fluoride were released as a result of volcanic activity, or by the slow leaching of this element into some waters. With the Industrial Revolution came the burning of coal and the production of products such as aluminum, steel, glass, enamel, brick, and fertilizers. Factories began dumping fluoride into rivers and streams; they polluted the air with fluoride gases and particles.

In the 1930s, H. Trendely Dean, D.D.S., Director of Dental Research for the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), conducted extensive surveys of cities in Texas, Colorado and Illinois. From these surveys, he found people with brown spots on their teeth, known as mottled enamel. His surveys showed that as fluoride levels in the water increased, so did the damage to teeth. Dean started publishing incomplete data to show that at 1 part per million (ppm), fluoride produced a minimal amount of brown teeth and resulted in the reduction of tooth decay. This condition of brown teeth, or mottled teeth, is now known as dental fluorosis, and happens during tooth formation. In very mild cases with low levels of fluoride, teeth may appear to have white spots or flecks. In higher concentrations, teeth may have white patchy areas of increased porosity. In severe cases of dental fluorosis, fluoride produces pitting, dark brown staining and widespread disfiguring of the enamel tooth structure. Teeth that are in this state of fluorosis are very brittle, easily broken and highly susceptible to cavities.

Warning signs were posted, advising people not to use high-fluoridated water for cooking or drinking, especially for children. Communities began removing fluoride from public water supplies, and court actions were taken against major industrial polluters for damage to livestock and crops.

By the late 1930s, the many lawsuits against industries such as ALCOA (the world's largest aluminum producer) were increasing and becoming a problem. The growing cost of removing fluoride from public water supplies was also problematic.

At this time, ALCOA was selling their unwanted waste by-product of sodium fluoride as a rat poison and insecticide. However, ALCOA found they had more waste product than they could sell. They needed another market to rid themselves of the excess burden of this hazardous waste.

About the same time, Dr. Gerald Cox, a biochemist from the University of Pittsburgh, was employed as a member of the Mellon Institute (the Mellons were the owners of ALCOA). Cox's job was to do research and find another way to reduce the excess of ALCOA's sodium fluoride waste.

Cox began working in the laboratory with a number of pregnant and lactating rats. He fed them a select diet of fluoride from 10 to 40 ppm. At the end of this research, Cox wrote, "The present trend toward the removal of fluorine from food and water may need some reversals." There was never any solid scientific research done. Though Cox noted in his 1939 paper (published in the Journal of Dental Research) that rats who received more fluoride had more cavities, this information was ignored. Cox gathered information from his "study" and additional information from a study done earlier by Armstrong and Brekhaus, who had reported higher levels of fluoride in dental enamel of healthy teeth than in teeth with cavities. (In 1963, Armstrong recanted his original findings as incorrect and stated that there was no difference in fluoride content between healthy teeth and teeth with decay.) Cox prepared six summaries of the literature on tooth decay for the Food and Nutritional board of National Research Council, which led to the Council's endorsement of fluoridation.

The major companies who produced the unwanted by-products of fluorides could now dispose of their hazardous waste, and at a profit to boot. But to whom? And how did they convince people that rat poison was good for them?

…To be continued in the next issue of Alaska Wellness.


Subject: Thermisol in vaccinesPosted by Gloria on Mar 15 2006 7:26AM
March 8, 2006

Dr. Andrew vonEschenbach FDA Commissioner

Dear Dr. vonEschenbach:

A study by Geier and Geier published in the March 1, 2006 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons documents a decrease in neurodevelopmental disorders in children following removal of thimerosal from American childhood vaccines.


The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) is requesting information about whether any childhood vaccines still remain available for use in the United States. Our concern relates to the published charge of Robert Kennedy, Jr., that "the government continues to ship vaccines preserved with thimerosal to developing countries -- some of which are now experiencing a sudden explosion in autism rates."


Our questions are three-fold. 1. Has the FDA issued an official recall of the stock of vaccines containing thimerosal as a preservative for use in the United States?
2. If so, does the FDA have a list of vaccine lot numbers to which pediatricians and general medical practitioners can refer to check their current supply of vaccines on hand?
3. Is there any truth to the Kennedy claim that our government is shipping vaccines preserved with thimerosal to developing countries?

Thank you for your kind and expeditious response.

Vera Hassner Sharav President, Alliance for Human Research Protection http://

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mother of both

As a mother of both white sons and black sons, I can tell you, there's a difference in your worries. If you're a white, with European ancestry, ask yourself if you have any idea what the experiences, thoughts, feelings, viewpoints are of the majority of people of the earth who are not white. We don't like to think of ourselves as ignorant, but if we're isolated within the mentality of our race, that's what we are. Racism is one of the things that we have a hope of changing. Here below is an article on something that exists as an outcome of racism - America's horriffic prison industry. This is an article that I received today.

July 27, 2007
by Andrew Bosworth
(posted on the

"I asked a man in prison once how he happened to be there and he said he had stolen a pair of shoes. I told him if he had stolen a railroad he would be a United States Senator" -Mother Jones

Consider this disturbing fact: the United States now has the world's highest incarceration rate outside of North Korea. Out of 1,000 people, more Americans are behind bars than anywhere in the world except in Kim Jong-Il's Neo-Stalinist state. The US has a higher incarceration rate than China , Russia, Iran, Zimbabwe and Burma - countries American politicians often berate for their human rights violations.

Well over two million Americans are behind bars. Let us agree that violent criminals and sex offenders should be in jail, but most Americans are not aware that over one million people spend year after year in prison for non-violent and petty offenses: small-time drug dealing, street hustling, prostitution, bouncing checks and even writing graffiti. Texas, with its boot-in-your-butt criminal justice system, is now attempting to incarcerate people who get drunk at bars - even if they are not disturbing the peace and intend to take a taxi home.

Somewhere along the line, the Lone Star State becomes the Lock-Down State: Rodney Hulin, a 16 year old in Texas, was caught setting a dumpster on fire and sentenced to 8 years in an adult prison. Despite pleading to be removed to another section, prison officials found no reason to extract him from the general population (despite Rodney's official pleas). He was then repeatedly raped and infected with the HIV virus that causes AIDS. He ended the nightmare by hanging himself in his cell.

Even "progressive" states like California are eager to lock up the hapless and the marginal. Billy Ochoa, for example, is serving 326 years in a "SUPERMAX" (super maximum security) prison for welfare fraud. Billy is an addict, an inept burglar, and not-very-good trafficker of food stamps. Under California's "three strikes and your out" law, he is locked up in a tiny cell for 23 hours a day.

Arguably, continuously lowering the bar for what it takes to be jailed threatens the liberty of all Americans. And having one million non-violent offenders in prison (often for absurdly long periods) makes it that much easier, in the near future, for the return of debtors' prisons and dissident detention centers. This approach to locking up everyone possible undermines both the liberal emphasis on personal liberty and the conservative emphasis on small government.
At this pace, the US is in danger of witnessing the development of a kind of "gulag" to jail the entire lumpenproletariat, the flotsam of society, a population that cuts across racial lines to include the men and women who never seem to break free of the tentacle-like criminal justice system. Women, actually, are now the fastest growing prison population, and many of them are young mothers with babies.

Of course, we'll never know how many prisoners are even guilty. They have been locked up through mass "plea bargaining" agreements. Originally conceived a the exception to the rule, plea bargaining has become a conveyor belt for prisons, running against the grain of the Fifth Amendment's right to a fair trial and, more specifically, to the US Constitution, Article III, Section 2: "The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury."

While there might be a time and a place for plea bargaining, it has become a scam in which prisons are basically guaranteed a minimum flow of prisoners. Here's the deal: Plead guilty to a lesser crime (to something you might not have done) and go to jail for 3 years - or risk a trial and the chance of doing 15 years. It's a no-brainer.

The Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves even faster than they already are if they knew that prisons are now lucrative corporations. These "McJails" receive money from government on a per-prisoner, per-day basis. No doubt, had the framers of the Constitution imagined that future Americans could descend to such depths they would have banned the commercialization of prisons outright.

Not surprisingly, the executives of these for-profit prisons sponsor "tough-on-crime" legislation and even line the pockets of politicians who back "mandatory sentencing" laws. For-profit prisons even get to write new mandatory sentencing laws to guarantee the raw material (the rabble of society) for an emerging prison-industrial complex.

In a Great Leap Backward, American politicians have also repealed two federal laws (the Hawes Cooper Act and the Ashurst-Sumner Act) that virtually outlawed prison labor, making it a felony to move prison-made goods across state boundaries. Stamping state license plates for cars was generally acceptable, but these Acts tried to end the leasing out of prisoners to private companies - they tried to eliminate prison-plantations and "factories with fences."

In the 1970s, a Supreme Court Justice, Warren Burger, proselytized for more leeway as to what kinds of "projects" prisoners could work on. Before too long, Congress amended the laws, and by 1990 it was permissible for prisoners to produce products entering the stream of interstate commerce. Many of the largest corporations in America have taken advantage of prison labor in what might be called "Operation Sweatshop."

Amazingly, on there is a separate section for "investors."
"Corrections Corporation of America is the nation's largest owner and operator of privatized correctional and detention facilities and one of the largest prison operators in the United States, behind only the federal government and three states" (Corrections Corporation of America).

Thus, the "tough on crime" propaganda masks a profit motive. Naturally, no politician can say that "my campaign was paid for by corporate lock-downs" or "I help run prison sweatshops." Representatives in Congress - mostly the "Big Government" Republicans but also many "Nanny-State" Democrats - are becoming the new goons in an emerging for-profit police state.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Water - will we soon be thirsty?

I love water - love to drink it, love to soak in it, love to look at it - love it. For several years I've been buying bottled water because I want to avoid flouride - BUT - it seems I've been duped. Using bottled water may be the worst thing a water-lover can do. I'm posting three brief notes about water from a website called Man, Woman, Canoe - water privitization, water purifiers. I'm also going to change habits and get a water filter that filters out flouride. Another informative website is WHRnet Issue - Women and Water Privatization.


Who's Water Is It?

US: Nestle Waters NA wants to pump groundwater from two more sites in Michigan, one of which is thought to be near the headwaters of a state-protected trout stream. They're looking for additional sources of spring water for the Ice Mountain brand. The company has been bottling water since 2002 at one facility using about 80 million gallons per year from underground springs. At least some locals believe this would cause a serious negative effect on the this most valuable resource. Nestle is already in one lawsuit over bottling right against the claim that their current plant is diminishing nearby wetlands and a stream. When you buy bottled water you are contributing to this threat to earth's waterways. Get a filter for your tap and your own bottle instead: Save water and save a lot of money.

India: A leading American consumer protection group described privatization as a "seductive option" and commended India for turning it down despite pressure from the World Bank. The World Bank frequently ties financing help to demands to privatize. The problem is that corporations charge whoever can pay for the water. Many privatization schemes have failed to deliver and have made things worse by raising rates and cutting off access. "New Delhi's problems are daunting. Rejecting water privatization, and strengthening democratic institutions to better manage the people's water, is a critical first step," said a representative of Corporate Accountability International.

UK: Climate change, increasing desertification due to soil erosion, and growing populations increase the appeal of investment in water, delegates at an investment conference reported. Growing populations and urbanization in developing countries puts a premium on investments in water infrastructure and industrial processing of water. Some parts of the world are consuming up to 30 times the replenishment rate of the water table. Friends of Water believes they are right about the issue. But the more privitization becomes a reality, the more health and social problems we'll have. Water is a human right. Save Water. We can't let it become controlled by private interests.

What's going on...

It's not hard to lose sight of yourself, or which way to go, or what to do, especially if you have lost the feminine perspective. We're in a really crazy world - going mad and down - not from nature but from misbehavior - that's what Mom would say. We all feel the imbalance. I know you must want to talk about what's going on, what's happening with your relationships, whether your kids going to survive and thrive or take a wrong turn, whether you're messing up or growing up. I'm in my sixties and still growing up.